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Carnegie Wave Energy Technology Brought to the UK

Inhabitat reported that Australia-based company Carnegie Wave Energy (CWE) will bring their wave power and desalination technology to Wave Hub in Cornwall, England. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) granted 9.6 million pounds, or around $11.8 million to CWE for the first phase of their Wave Hub Project.

CWE aims to install enough of their wave power converter devices to generate 15 megawatts of clean energy at the Wave Hub.

Wave Hub is a wave power test site connected to the grid, and in 2014, CWE received a dock at the test site to install their wave energy technology. The capital from the ERDF will enable CWE to start the first phase of their Wave Hub project and generate 1 megawatt o0f energy with a CETO 6 wave power converter device.

The CWE aims to commission the converter in 2018, and then the device will operate for one year. The company is hoping to begin the project’s 2nd phase in 2020 or 2021, which will implement 15 megawatts commercial array.

According to CWE, their technology is an excellent match for Wave Hub. They said in a statement that the Cornwall’s Wave Hub is the world’s largest and most technologically advanced sites for testing and development of offshore renewable energy technology. CWE is the only company in the world to have operated a grid-connected wave energy project over four seasons.

The company’s CETO system differs from other wave energy systems because it works under ocean waves and is not visible from the shore. The device will not impact beachgoers since they’re submerged completely in deep water. Underwater operation also keeps the devices safe during storms. Plus, the CETO devices desalinise water.

Click here to read the full story on Inhabitat

Featured Image Credit: Inhabitat.com

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